Thursday, 9 April 2015

Aluminum/ Glass/MDF partitioning

Check out some of our aluminum projects below,

Stand alone with clear glass
1. Customized Shower cubicles

L-partition cubicle with clear glass

straight partition with several other
 partitions. ideal for public use

U-partition shower cubicle
 with pinhead glass
2. Aluminum/ Glass partition

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stalls partitioning

glass partition and door

Shop larger than a stall
tinted glass partition

3 Aluminum/ Glass / MDF partition

dwarf walls for open plan
double glazed. ideal for boardrooms

 4.Bath shields
tinted bath shield
bath tub shield with pinhead glass

5. Aluminum doors
swing door
double swing door

swing door
sliding windows
tinted glass sliding door
double sliding door

 For more of this visit or give us a call on +254727797463 or +254718003132

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